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Contoh Percakapan tentang Invitation

Sumber : pixabay.com/Clker-Free-Vector-Images

KANTINPENDIDIKAN.COM - Invitation (noun) berasal dari kata ‘to invite’ (mengundang/mengajak). Ringkasan ini membahas ‘invitation’ yang berkisar tentang:

1.Ungkapan yang berkaitan dengan ajakan/undangan

2.  Surat undangan resmi

Berikut ini penjelasan singkat mengenai kedua topik diatas:  

1.Inviting, Accepting and Declining Invitation (Mengundang/mengajak,Menerima, Menolak Ajakan)

Inviting (mengundang)

I would you to come to….

Would you like to….

I’d like to invite you….

Would you care to….

I’d be very happy if you come to….

Accepting (menerima)

I would….

Thank you for inviting me….

That would be very nice….

That’s fine


Declining/Rejecting (menolak)

I’d love to but….

Thanks but I’m afraid….

If you don’t mind, I’d rather not….

Sorry but I can’t….

I wish I could, but….

Thanks for inviting me but….

Contoh Percakapan Invitation

Dialogue 1

Danu  : Hi Deni, what are you doing?

Deni   : Nothing much. By the way, do you have any this afternoon?

Danu  : Well, I am going to finish the assignment. It’s almost done.

Deni   : Would you like to go to movies?

Danu  : Sure but not in the afternoon.

Deni   : How about tomorrow?

Danu  : Okay, see you then.

Deni   : See you.

Dialogue 2

Dino: Hi Santi. Would you like to come for dinner tonight?

Santi: Thanks Dino. I’d love to. Would you like me to bring something for you?

Dino: No, nothing. Just be on time.

Santi: What time?

Dino: At 7.30 sharp.

Santi: Sure. See you then.

Dialogue 3

Banu: Hi David, We’re going to go fishing this afternoon, would you like to come with us?

David: I’d love to but let me ask for permission to my parents first.

Banu: Okay.

Dialogue 4

Mario: How are you doing?

Farel: Great.

Mario: I’ve just won the International Kite Festival 2020. I want to share my happiness. There will be thanksgiving occasion tomorrow. Would you like to come?

Farel: With pleasure. May I come with my little brother?

Mario: Yes, sure.

Farel: Thank you.

Mario: Don’t mention it.

2.    Formal Invitation Letter

Undangan untuk menghadiri acara peresmian sekolah, kelulusan, rapat dan lain sebagainya merupakan contoh undangan resmi dalam bahasa Inggris yang biasanya memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut:

- Nama orang yang mengundang/Addresser/host

- Permintaan untuk menghadiri/phrasing the invitation

- Nama orang yang diundang/Addressee

- Acara /Event

- Waktu dan tanggal/Day and date

- Tempat/Venue

- Permintaan untuk merespon/R.S.V.P

- Instruksi khusus/special instruction

Contoh Invitation Letter

Contoh Responding Letter


Make a formal invitation letter of the following events:

1. Graduation ceremony

2. Wedding party

3. Ribbon cutting inaugurating of a new company

4. Social devotion event










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