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Materi Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kurikulum 2013 Analytical Exposition

Materi dan Contoh Analytical Exposition Text SMK Kelas XI  2020

KANTINPENDIDIKAN.COM - Sometimes we have an argument regarding something happening. But, it is often that we don't know how to arrange our ideas blended with the supporting proofs. 

Analytical exposition tells us how to attack and defend on our position in order to make it strongly acceptable. In this occasion, we are just going to talk about the topic at a glance.


It is any kind persuasive spoken or written text which is used to convince the audiences (listeners or readers) that something is in case. It is usually followed by some arguments that his point of view is correct, logic and acceptable. 


It is usually found in journals, scientific books, academic speech, magazines, research paper, newspaper articles, and so on. This kind of text is popular among academic community, scientist etc. 


The answer of this question should be the generic structure of an analytical exposition. Basically, it consists of the three core parts called thesis, arguments and conclusion or reiteration. 



This first part tells the audiences about the recent issue or topic being discussed and indicates the writer’s position on that case. 


It is the part the thesis to be elaborated by stating the main reasons why that it is the case. To make the arguments tough, data or proofs are required. 


As the final word in which the speaker or writer restates his position against or for. 

To make it clearer, you may read the following example. 

Iceberg Potential Source of Water 

The supply of fresh water has not been a major problem for most countries in the world because a rainy season is part of their yearly climatic conditions. However, in countries where the rainfall is very sparse scientists must constantly seek ways to increase supplies of this precious element. One among other methods being considered is the towing of icebergs. According to this method large icebergs from Antarctica would be wrapped in cloth or plastic, tied to powerful tugboats by strong ropes, and towed to the countries needing fresh water. While this plan may have some potential, there are certain practical problems that must be solved. 

The first problem is the expense. According to estimates, it would cost between $50 and $100 million to tow a 'single 100-million-ton iceberg from Antarctica to, for example, the coast of Saudi Arabia. This is very expensive. 

The second problem is possible risk with the iceberg. It is very possible that the Iceberg would melt en route. No one knows if an iceberg could be effectively insulated during such a long journey. At the very least, there is the possibility that it would break up into smaller pieces, which would create still other problems. 

The third problem is about the environmental effects. There is the danger that a huge block of Ice floating off an arid coast could have unexpected environmental effects. The ice could drastically change the weather along the coast and it would probably affect the fish population. 

The last problem is the cost efficiency. According to this, the cost of providing fresh water from icebergs would be less than the cost of providing water by desalinization. According to most estimates, it would cost between 50 cent and 60 cent per cubic meter to get water from an iceberg as opposed to the 80 cent per cubic meter it costs to get the same amount by desalinization. In conclusion, before icebergs can become a source of fresh water in the future, problems involving cost, overall practicality, and most importantly environmental impact must be solved. 

(Adapted from Oshima and Hogue, 3rd edition, 1998). 

To sum up, an analytical exposition is aimed to strongly make others think as what you think.